
6 Benefits of Honey for Health

The benefits of honey for health are no longer in doubt. This sweet liquid produced by bees is efficacious in maintaining the body's immunity, relieving coughs, maintaining the digestive system, and various other benefits.

The benefits of honey for health are obtained from the various nutritional content in it. Besides sugar which makes it taste sweet, honey also contains vitamin A (retinol), vitamin B complex, vitamin C, and several active compounds, such as flavonoids and phenolic acids.

6 Benefits of Honey for Health

Various Benefits of Honey for Health

Honey is a healthier alternative to food and drinks sweeteners, especially for diabetics, because of its low glycemic index. In addition, there are also several other benefits of honey that you can get, namely:

1. Counteract free radicals

Phytonutrient compounds and several vitamins in honey are natural antioxidants that can counteract free radicals in the body. This content is very useful for preventing damage to cells and body tissues caused by oxidation activity.

Many benefits can be obtained from the content of honey on this, including reducing inflammation and preventing diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

2. Increase body immunity

Apart from counteracting free radicals, the phytonutrient compounds contained in honey can also strengthen immune cells in the body. In addition, honey is also known to have antibacterial and antifungal properties.

3. Relieves cough

The sweet taste of honey can trigger the production of saliva to moisten a dry throat thereby reducing itching in the throat and the urge to cough. In addition, various antioxidants in honey are also useful for relieving inflammation that can trigger coughing.

In fact, several studies have stated that honey is useful as a natural cough medicine that is no less than medical cough medicines that doctors often prescribe for adults and children over 1-year-old.

4. Speed up wound healing

Many studies have stated that honey, especially manuka honey, is beneficial in accelerating wound healing. Honey is known to help get rid of dead tissue, kill bacteria in wounds, and stimulate the formation of new skin to cover wounds.

The types of wounds that may be healed by the benefits of honey are burns, abrasions, and diabetic wounds. However, keep in mind that honey that can be used is guaranteed sterile honey.

5. Maintain the health of the digestive system

Several studies state that honey is also beneficial for the health of the digestive system. Honey is referred to as a prebiotic which can support the growth of good bacteria in the gut.

6. Maintain heart health

Phytonutrient compounds in honey are thought to improve heart health by improving blood flow and preventing the formation of atherosclerosis. Several studies have also proven the benefits of honey in lowering blood pressure, as well as reducing levels of bad cholesterol and fat in the blood.

However, keep in mind that the various benefits of honey above still require further evidence and study.

What to Look For When Consuming Honey

Generally, honey is classified as safe and does not cause many side effects. Even so, you need to know that honey should not be given to infants or children under 1 year of age because of the risk of causing botulism.

Botulism is a poisoning condition that attacks the body's nerves and can be life-threatening. This risk also needs to be watched out for in pregnant women who have digestive problems or diseases that weaken the body's immune system.

Another thing to keep in mind is that honey can cause an allergic reaction in people who also have an allergy to pollen.

In addition, there is a type of honey whose use must be wary of, namely rhododendron honey or what is known as mad honey. This bitter-tasting honey comes from the extraction of rhododendron flower nectar.

Crazy honey does have high antioxidant activity so it is believed to be useful as a hypertension medicine, diabetes medicine, and an enhancer of sexual desire. However, this honey can cause poisoning with symptoms including vomiting, diarrhea, chest pain, fainting, to coma.

The benefits of honey to improve health are diverse. Even so, honey consumption should not be excessive, considering that this substance is high in calories and sugar.

You also need to ensure that the honey you are going to consume is registered with the National Agency for Drug and Food Control.

If you want to experience the benefits of honey for the treatment of certain diseases or to heal wounds, you should first consult with your doctor to ensure the safety and effectiveness of honey according to your condition.